7 Warnings Signs Your Liver Might Be in Trouble (Never Ignored to Preserve Our Health)

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As mentioned prior, one of the liver’s primary functions is to detoxify and help expel any toxic substances from the body. When the liver’s detoxification function is impaired, a number of problems can surface, including sudden changes in normal digestion and metabolism.

The liver is a large organ within the digestive system; therefore, any liver-related condition can manifest into digestive problems. Nausea and vomiting frequently occur due to the accumulation of toxins that the liver cannot eradicate.


Among the liver’s most important roles is to assist in the production of necessary protein enzymes. One classification of protein enzymes helps to prevent blood clots. When this blood-clotting mechanism is impaired, changes to the skin’s appearance are common.

Relatedly, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, “When the liver slows the production of or stops producing the proteins needed for blood clotting, a person will bruise or bleed easily.”


According to the Mayo Clinic, liver damage disrupts the normal flow of blood to the organ, which increases pressure in the surrounding veins. These “surrounding veins” include those responsible for transporting blood from the spleen and intestines to the liver. Disruption of this process causes blood pressure levels to spike – a condition known as portal hypertension.

Portal hypertension causes the accumulation of fluid around the abdomen; a condition called ascites. Ascites may also arise from the liver’s inability to make other blood proteins.


Liver problems can cause discoloration of the eyes and skin. This discoloration happens because of the buildup of a bile pigment called bilirubin, which cannot be properly be disposed of.

Yellowish hueing of the skin or eyes is called jaundice. Aside from altering the eye’s appearance, jaundice can cause other symptoms including darkening of the urine, full-body itching, and cognitive impairment.


The great news is that the liver is a highly adaptive and resilient organ when treated, and is often capable of healing itself. Under the guidance of a medical professional, most liver-related illnesses receive a positive prognosis.

It is wise to consult with a medical professional if any of these symptoms persist. As with most medical conditions, the earlier that the underlying cause is determined, the more streamlined and efficient any treatment will be.


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