If You Can’t Do This Test in 90 Seconds, DO NOT HIKE!!, Expert Warns

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How to Prepare for the Test for Heart Health

Before engaging in any new physical activity program or completing an exercise test, it is important to consider any risks.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), there are eight different heart disease risk factors:

  1. Age: men over the age of 45 and women over the age of 55
  2. Family History: Heart attack or sudden death in a family member under the age of 55 for men, or 65 for women
  3. Smoking: current smoking, or quit within the last 6 months
  4. Sedentary Lifestyle: not participating in moderate physical activity for at least 3 days per week for 3 months
  5. Obesity: Body mass index of more than 30
  6. High blood pressure: SBP of over 130 and DBP of over 80, or taking high blood pressure medication.
  7. Dyslipidemia: LDL (bad cholesterol) over 130 mg/dl, or HDL (good cholesterol) under 40 mg/dl, or taking medication.
  8. Pre-Diabetes: fasting glucose over 100 mg/dl
  9. Negative risk factor: HDL (good cholesterol) over 50 mg/dl can actually provide heart-healthy benefits!

With three or more of these risk factors, it is encouraged that an exercise test is performed before engaging in a new exercise program (4).

Before trying this test on your own, consider the risk factors above and think about your current fitness level.

If you don’t exert a lot of energy on a regular basis, consider doing this test with the supervision of a medical professional.

Additionally, it may be in your benefit to perform a quick warm-up before performing this test!

If at any time during this test you feel dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, or abnormal heart rate, stop immediately and consult a doctor.

If the stair-climbing test is not attainable because of injury or access, consider other exercise tests!

The Queen’s Step Test or the 12-minute are also great tests that can be performed at home.

Heart Health – Summary

There are many methods of attaining heart-healthy benefits and a healthy lifestyle.

However, according to the CDC, a heart-healthy diet and regular physical activity take the cake to create a lower risk of heart disease! (3)

A balanced, nutrient-rich diet should be consumed to help lower the risk of heart disease.

All family meals should include a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and limited sodium.

Accordingly, our diets can affect things like inflammation and cholesterol levels.

Things like blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and daily activity all play a role to lower the risk of heart disease and instances of a heart attack.

Additionally, at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day can cause a lower risk of heart disease and increase muscular strength and endurance.

According to the results of the study done by Dr. Jesus Peteiro, you can now measure your heart health at home!

Things like a body mass index calculator, blood pressure test, or lab exercise tests can often be hard to access.

However, the stair test is easy to complete at home and sets an easy-to-understand guideline for those at risk of heart disease.

Because there are no vaccines for preventing heart disease, it is up to us to stay healthy.

To ensure a healthy lifestyle, it is important to lower cholesterol levels, engage in regular physical activity, eat a balanced meal, and get your heart health checked regularly.

Preventing a heart attack, COPD, or coronary heart disease can be the difference between life or death, so the next time you find a few flights of stairs, set a timer and get moving!


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